
Rgb fusion 2.0 custom profiles
Rgb fusion 2.0 custom profiles

rgb fusion 2.0 custom profiles

If you delete them then you will need to reinstall Fusion to get them back if for some reason it breaks something.

rgb fusion 2.0 custom profiles

Take those 2 files and either move them into a different folder so you can easily move them back later if you need them, or just delete the files if you like to throw caution to the wind. Once you are in the RGB Fusion folder you will need to locate 2 files. By default that location is in C:\Program Files (x86)\GIGABYTE\RGBFusion Go to file explorer and go to the install location for RGB Fusion.

rgb fusion 2.0 custom profiles

So if you are like me and you have a Gigabyte motherboard, but you have Corsair ram and would prefer to have iCUE control your rams RGB rather than Fusions limited profiles then here is how to stop Fusion from ever trying to control your ram again, or atleast until you update it the next time or they change their software:D: This method will work for stopping Fusion from taking control of any ram in your system, and once your are finished Fusion will not even be able to see your ram.

Rgb fusion 2.0 custom profiles